Monday, September 27, 2010

Pack Saddle Adventures!

Bryan, Lisa and I decided to go hiking at Pack Saddle lake.  Lisa said her husband gave her directions.  They consisted of things like turn left at the yellow sign (not sure what it says on it), turn at the three way intersection (almost four way), drive a few miles and there is a parking lot thing- not a parking lot, but people park there.

So after driving for an hour we couldn't find anything that looked like a "parking lot".  We did however find several three way intersections and a few yellow signs.  We had  a blast on the drive though enjoying the beautiful scenery and good friendship!

We decided to adventure along a different road, and Bryan said, "There's a lake down there, do you want to just hike that?"  We got down to the lake and realized somehow we found Pack Saddle!  We enjoyed our lunch on the lake and relaxed :)  We had a blast getting lost!!

you may notice the gun on Bryan's belt.  "Its for the mountain lions" he says.  The biggest creature we saw was a squirrel, but I'm glad he's here to protect me :)

It's time for FALL!

I wanted to make a few inexpensive things to decorate our apartment for fall!  I took a couple old kitchen towels and cut out leaf shapes out of old scrap fabric.  I used fabric glue to stick them down then sewed over them (purposely being a little sloppy to make it look... "crafty"?)  then hung them up in the kitchen!

Welcome Fall!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bryan's Student Teaching

So Bryan was a little hesitant to teach 7th and 8th graders this fall- but everyday he comes home and tells me stories about how it has really connected with a student.  One of then refused to do any work and would just sit all day and not do the worksheets.  After telling him to get to work several times, Bryan had a chat with him to realize he didn't have a notebook or pencil.  Simple as that.  After providing him with those supplies, he got right to work and got an A on his first test!  He has a tender heart for these students and really wants them to succeed. 

Bryan was also evaluated by his teacher he teaches with and his supervisor and has received great remarks!  He connects well with the students, catches their attention, uses great handouts and worksheets, and they can tell he really cares about them.  I know he'll be an excellent teacher!  

Go Mr. Westfall!

I Have a job!!

After probably 700 applications (okay honestly more like 40) I finally have a job as an RN!  It is only part time, but in the mean time I can keep searching, and filling out more applications.  yay.  I am working at Rexburg Nursing And Rehab just down from campus and down from the temple.  I will be giving medications, starting IV's, changing dressings, and doing other fun nursing things!  The plus side to this facility is they have CNA's who are the ones that change the sheets, clean hineys, and give baths.  I did plenty of that in school, and I am grateful I won't have to do it for 12 hours a day.  It is an 18 minute walk to work from our apartment.. and when it starts to snow and get icy I may just slide on my bum all the way to work down the hill.

So here's how it came about: Last week I got a call from them (a few weeks after dropping off a resume) and they asked if I wanted a job still.  Of course!!  I said yes, and she asked when I can come fill out paperwork.  That was it.  No interview or scary meeting or anything!  That was easy :)  So now I am super excited to go buy my first pair of scrubs and clip on my name tag that says "Elizabeth RN"!  woohoo!!

I am so so blessed to have this opportunity.  I was getting discouraged that I wouldn't find anything, but I  just kept thinking that the Lord did not present me with the opportunity to go to nursing school, just for me to fail.  I know things happen for a reason and I am so happy to have a job!!!

New Blog!

So I am going to try out this Blog business- we'll see how it goes.  I might add crafts I've done, recipes I've made, and whats going on in our lives. Enjoy :)