Remember that primary song?
A gold star will be awarded to anyone who can tell me which prophet was the one to encourage us to plant a garden. I just can't remember...
We spent our Family Home Evening night planting a garden. We walked over to Home Depot and bought tomato starts, dirt (doesn't it seem silly that you actually have to buy dirt?), pots, and a watering can. We decided to put all the little seeds and plants snuggled in their pots, so when it warms up we can take them straight outside. For now they are all going to live in our living room.
As you can tell we really don't know what we're doing, but we are enjoying trying, and we'll see if we actually grow anything!!
One long pot of beans, one of peas, and two tomato plants. In the background you may notice a very retro (special) headboard. Its a work in progress so a post will be coming soon!
Here they are, all tucked in soaking up some sun.
Its march 28, but it snowed all day today, so they may be inside quite a while!