Friday, July 26, 2013

Gardening with Grandma

Eli can't stay inside all day, even if its rainy.  He heads out the front door and plays on the porch any moment he can get.  What a busy boy.  On the rare sunny days, he's soakin' it in, playing with Grandma Patty.  

Whew!  What a day!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Birthday Present from Grandpa

My dad sent a gift up to Alaska for Eli's birthday.  Eli had a blast opening it and instantly knew what to do ;)

He immediately found the buttons for the sirens and horns.  They have pretty much been going non stop since it arrived 

Day At The Park

Yes I've been slacking on the blog, I just haven't been in the mood to take many pictures, but I will try!

Eli and I go to the park as often as the weather allows.  He thinks he's such a big kid climbing up the steps and cruising around.  Notice the jacket and cap in July! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Time Flies

I feel like 2013 has zoomed by! I was just wandering through old blog posts looking at my sweet newborn a year ago. Wow. I can't believe how different he is, but in such a great way.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Long or Short?

Okay readers. What's your vote? I cut my hair last August and that was the shortest it's ever been. I liked it, but since then I have been growing it out til where it is now. Should I go short again?

I had been wanting to grow it out but as I look at myself with long hair I feel like it doesn't do anything for me. Just loner, but just makes me face look longer, and my head smaller ;) 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Love You Forever

My mom sent me the book "Love You Forver" by Robert Munsch when I had Eli and was up in Alaska. No matter how many times I have read this book before, each time I read it to Eli I cry. I can't help it! It is so incredibly sweet and shows me what being a mother is all about. 

Eli used to be at the innocent sweet stage in the book where the mommy would rock her baby back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Lately, this is my son.  

Toilet paper shredded so fine it looks like a hamster ate it, toothpaste open, shampoo bottles scattered, towels unfolded and sprawled. All in a matter of 30 seconds! I'm sure before I know it Eli wont want to hold my hand anymore and will be embarrassed to kiss me goodbye in public. 

Until then my Eli, 
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

I Know, I'm Obsessed...

I can't get enough of this cute face!  We took a few pictures this evening, but he wasn't super smiley. He'd rather be picking up beach crabs along the shore... boys ;)

The 4th

I felt like we had a 4th of July weekend!  We had fireworks on the 3rd, parade, BBQ and ball park activities on the 4th, and tomorrow is a rubber duck race down the creek.  haha!  

This was one of the best 4th's I've had.  Although Bryan had to work on the 4th I hung out with some sweet members from the branch and felt like part of the community. I felt very touched watching parade and the sweet military veterans walk down main street holding the American flag proudly.  I even got a little choked up (silly time I know). 
 I was just very grateful to celebrate Independance Day and our freedom to live in this country.

Okay, picture time :)
My morning couldn't start any better than a messy faced little boy

Watching the fire trucks at the Parade

That about summed up the Parade.  Truly :)  It was tiny, but also great to see the community out together!

Quarters are hidden in the bark chips and kids dig for them.  They have been doing this since Bryan was little

Fun little booths, games, and kid races

This wiggly boy wouldn't sit still long enough for a picture, but he was patriotic!

Excellent food and and excellent view

Mr E. going to town on watermelon!

What a great day!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

1 Year Young

At 1 Year Eli:

  • waves hello and goodbye (and everywhere in between)
  • claps
  • high-fives
  • walks along furniture or holding one hand
  • goes up and down stairs
  • wears mostly 9-12 month clothes
  • weighs 18.6 pounds
  • is 30+ inches tall
  • has 2 teeth on the bottom and almost the top 2
  • repeats words like hi, ouch, hot, mom, dad
  • is so observant
  • loves to play!