My mom sent me the book "Love You Forver" by Robert Munsch when I had Eli and was up in Alaska. No matter how many times I have read this book before, each time I read it to Eli I cry. I can't help it! It is so incredibly sweet and shows me what being a mother is all about.
Eli used to be at the innocent sweet stage in the book where the mommy would rock her baby back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Lately, this is my son.
Toilet paper shredded so fine it looks like a hamster ate it, toothpaste open, shampoo bottles scattered, towels unfolded and sprawled. All in a matter of 30 seconds! I'm sure before I know it Eli wont want to hold my hand anymore and will be embarrassed to kiss me goodbye in public.
Until then my Eli,
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be.