Monday, September 30, 2013

Living Room Shelf

When my mom was here she helped me build an awesome living room shelf!  I had two very short shelves but I wanted a long shelf to act more as a mantle.  I followed this tutorial for the basic idea then adjusted it to fit my vision. 
We used 1x6x4' boards and a small quarter round trip piece because the 1x2 seemed too big.  I love the slightly rustic look with the wood grain still showing through!
Then it was time to decorate!

 And you gotta add a little glitter ;)

Just a few simple touches to welcome in fall.  I wasn't in the mood to decorate but with the help from my mom it was really fun.  We also got the other decorations and Christmas decorations organized so I'm ready for Christmas now too!

Real Live Date

A couple weeks ago Bryan and I got to go on a real date! A co workers daughter babysat and we were able to go out to eat just the two of us. No high chair, wiggly baby or time constraints! Then we played a really fun game if mini golf. The next morning our friend Ashley watched Eli and we got to go to the temple together! There were so many more women in the session I even got to sit next to Bryan ;) 

5 Fact Friday (a few days late)

1. My mom was here all weekend and we had a BLAST!! We shopped, decorated, canned like crazy and had a very very fun and relaxing weekend. 
2. We made 20 pints of pasta sauce, 4 quarts of peaches, and 5 quart bags of frozen peaches! 
3. Someone left and entire play kitchen by the dumpster. We saw it on our way to church and had to jump out and throw it in the trunk! It was way too good to pass up! 
4. I love when Bryan rocks Eli to sleep. Sweet quiet moment. 
5.  Early Morning airplane rides make for great belly laughs. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

5 Fact Friday

1. Colds and teething make for a snotty, grumpy, fussy, sad baby. He's getting over his cold quick but has three shark teeth on their way. 

2. We get to go on a date tonight! A real live date where we can have dinner without a baby and high chair, no diaper bag, we can hold hands, and talk uninterrupted! 

3. I made a sweater vest for Eli yesterday! I think I'll be putting it in my Etsy shop

4. I'm loving that fall is on its way! The changing weather, new smells, football games, and sweaters!

5.  Mom comes next week!!!!  Ah I'm so excited!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Utah State Fair

We headed over to the state fair this afternoon to indulge in a traditional crappy corn dog and to see the livestock. We are not much for carnival rides and stick more to the animals and crafted items like quilts and things. 

It was a fun afternoon and we even ran into my cousin! Funny seeing people out of your normal routine. 

Eli loved the "little hands farm". All the animals were fake but I don't even think he noticed!! 
Here he "planted" the seeds for the farm. That boy loves to dig. 

Then it was time to drive the tractor. Even with his serious eyebrows he thoroughly enjoyed it :) 
He loved brushing mr. Sheep

Then we headed over to the livestock barns. He made all sorts of made up animal sounds. It was hilarious. 


Friday, September 13, 2013

Tie Thursday

This boy is obsessed with this tie. I made it for him in Alaska he he would wear it on Sundays but never gave it a second glance during the week. Now he brings it to me every morning and wants me to put it on him. He wears it to the park, the store, pretty much everywhere ;)

What a ham!

5 Fact Friday

1. Eli slept 12 hours last night!!!! This is the first time in this little guys life that he has slept through the night that long. I am one happy momma! 

2. Sleep training/cry it out has been a huge success with very few tears. Eli has slept through the night 2 out of 3 nights and the other night only woke up for a couple minutes. I am loving this. Even though we waited for so long, it finally felt like the right time time to do it and it was very painless!

3. We are off to the state fair tomorrow! Yay! Blog post to come. 

4. I am LOVING all this rain. It's smells so fresh and clean, and just makes life seem simpler and more peaceful somehow. 

5. I have homemade yogurt in the crockpot right now. If all goes well I'll post about it. If not then well... You'll know why ;)

Sand Between Your Toes

Eli has his first encounter with sand tonight. I'm sad to admit he hasn't been to the beach yet. Hopefully soon though! 

Anyway, we went to a park with sand which he loved, then fed the ducks. He decided duck food was pretty good and had some for himself :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

One of Those Days

Do you ever have one of those days where things go great?!  I felt like I accomplished more on monday than I do in an entire week!

I did Pilates while Eli napped in the morning,then read my scriptures  and still had time to do 2 loads of laundry and empty the dishwasher before he woke up. Then we went to the park, grocery store, and played outside. He helped me make dinner early and get it in the fridge, then Bryan came home! I went for a run and he put Eli down for his afternoon nap.  We had dinner together while Eli was still snoozing (heavenly quiet moments!) and went to the park after dinner.  It was such a good day!

Eli is a terrible eater and yesterday we got a record breaking 4 jars of baby food/baby yogurt in him.  He doesn't really like people food so he still gets baby mush.  AND we have been doing "cry it out" since last Friday.  After 15 months of Eli not sleeping through the night we have had it!!

He only fussed a bit the first night so we thought it would go great. Not quite. The second night he cried for about 15 minutes twice in the night. Little by little he's getting better and last night he slept through the night without making a peep!! Little victories!!!

I'm sure it'll take me a while to learn to sleep through the night again ;)

Monday, September 9, 2013

101 Things Come and Gone

Does anyone remember this post?

I made a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.  It began January 1, 2011 and is set to end this September.  I have thought about it occasionally, but have not been dilligent at reviewing my goals. 

I complete 66 out of 101.  (According to my school teacher husband thats only a 65% which is not so hot.  But I enjoyed making the list and thinking about where my life would take me in 2.75 years.  I have changed some goals that I had previously written down, but overall really enjoyed my list.

I plan to start another one when this one ends.  But this time I plan to post my list somewhere to see often and mark off each one as I do it, and I think I will also allow myself to change my list as time goes on.  It seems a little too ambitious to try to complete 101 things, but many are very simple activities, and I am excited to see what our little family does in the next few years!

Here is my old list:
1. finish personal journal But I started another!
2. continue on blog I've been doing it over a year now! I need to print all the posts
3. print pictures on camera(of Eli at least) :)
4. laugh til I cry Being pregnant does crazy things to your emotions!
5. get new glasses

6. try new hair cut 7. play all hymns in 'easy hymn book'
8. practice piano 3 x a week for one month
9. send christmas cards
10. read the persian pickle club

11. read 3 cups of tea
12. buy red high heels or knee high boots ( my shopping indulgence)

I found leather boots at Nordstrom rack for 30 bucks!! Woot! oh yea- and maybe another pair from old Navy. i think I found a addiction!
13. get a pedicure Thanks Jess!
14. attempt to write a children's story- just for fun
15. Do Visiting teaching each month
16. try yoga It felt so good while pregnant, I need to get back into it!
17. Submit a quilt in the county fair yea! It was so fun! I got 2nd, 3rd, and 4th :)

18. go camping
19. write Granny every month (I wrote her each month until she passed away. I will really miss our letter writing)
20. visit Doug in Tennessee
21. go puddle jumping
22. sunset togetherwatch
23. double money in savings account (it didn't take long because there wasn't much in it, but we're still adding to it)
24. save 1 income when we are both full time (Such a great feeling!)
25. visit foreign country
26. spend weekend at ski resort
27. have Bryan get accepted to grad school (He started May 2nd through Walden University)
28. get new family pictures

29. invite new couple over for games (Played bocci ball with Troy and Sidney. So fun!!)
30. fly a kite
31. go on picnic
32. visit zoo or aquarium

33. go to the beach It was in Alaska, which isn't what I had thought, but it counts!
34. run 5 K with Bryan Ran sweatin' for Sarah!
35. eat at Gardner Village

36. play basketball together
37. start a new christmas tradition
38. get new tires for car

39. build a sandcastle
40. visit Alaska
41. go fishing

42. visit state we've never been to 43. decorate tree for animals at christmas
44. get pictures with Granny (Got to see her this week!) Pictures to come soon
45. go to Color Me Mine
46. cash in our extra change
47. make a snowman
48. watch a 3D movie
49. go to a play( we saw Diary of Anne Frank and it was excellent!! why do i never take pictures of these things?)
50. go snorkeling

51. Read entire Ensign each month

52. have family prayer and scripture study every day for 2 weeks
53. read Book of Mormon front to back
54. re-memorize articles of faith
55. attend 4 new temples (draper, oquirrh mountain, jordan river, St. George, Manti)

56. Read and study the whole Preach My Gospel
57. Bare testimony at least twice in church
58. Study entire conference issue of ensign

Food and Cooking:
59. make homemade root beer
60. make homemade ravioli
61. save coupons and use for one grocery trip
62. try 3 new recipes in a month
63. try cooking with Panko bread crumbs

64. can a fruit or vegetable (I canned applesauce!!!)
65. try new cookie recipe (Cakemix cookies are my new favorite)
66. make jam Thanks for teaching me mom!
67. make a successful loaf of bread Finally!! A recipe that's a keeper!
68. make homemade caramel
69. grill asparagus (Did this for Valentines dinner and it was delicious!!)
70. don't eat out for 2 weeks straight
71. make homemade sushi Thanks Doug!

72. buy couch (pictures to follow!)
73. get a christmas tree 74. plant a garden
75. get curtains (I'll post pictures of our home soon but Mom and I made some great ones!)
76. get living room rug
77. tidy house daily
78. get print to decorate living room
79. re-organize disaster closet
80. finish unpacking (For this apartment at least)

Crafts and Sewing:
81. donate 25 knitted hats
82. donate 15 sewn dresses
83. bind baby quilt (finished my very first real pieced, completely hand done quilt!)
84. make quilt
85. design my own quilt pattern
86. make advent calendar It is an activity calendar for something to do every day. I'm excited!
87. paint night stand (Bryan did this while I was at work one day!)
88. paint coffee table
89. make table runner
90. make wall decoration (check out Decor Day off post)
91. refinish headboard

92. learn from Granny to crochet snowflakes (Very special weekend with Granny learning from her)
93. make wreath (Mom helped me and I love it! It's hanging in our living room)
94. refinish dresser or other piece of furniture
95. make craft as seen from craft or design blog (filter paper wreath)

Health and Fitness:
96. work out 3x a week for 2 months
97. stay at or under current weight (Even after having a baby) :)
98. get “6 pack”
99. run 5 miles
100. complete 5 k race (i put this one on twice-- maybe I need to do it twice!)

101. Complete my list of 101 things

Friday, September 6, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Eli and I got to go home to Oregon for a few days last week.  I forgot how much I missed home!

I miss the green year round, the misty dewy mornings, the drizzly rain, the perfect blue sky with fluffy cotton candy clouds, and the feeling of "home". Eli felt right at home with my mom exploring her backyard, eating every vegetable he could find, and of course getting dirty!

What a little boy ;)

Munchin' on a cucumber

And green pepper

And tomatoes 

"Helping" us plant in the front yard 

Came in for lunch and he found the sprinkles. Ooh boy did he ever! And then decided to eat them right off his feet :)

Back to work making a mess!

When I imagine what the Garden of Eden looked like, I always picture my mom's yard.  She has a incredible green thumb and can make anything grow to its fullest potential. I love wandering through, admiring how vibrant the colors are in each flower, plant, and fruit. 

We call it her Garden of Tranquility.