Eli has been changing so much everyday and I've been terrible at writing down his funny sayings or actions, so here is my last ditch effort to remember this fun stage!
He says the funniest things:
"Mom tiny sip? (handing me water) wash down crackers"
Sometimes he will randomly start talking about something that happened weeks ago. Today he started telling me about when he dressed up as Mickey Mouse for halloween. "Me Mickey Mouse. Yellow Shoes, White gloves, ears! Treat bag. Candy in. All gone."
"Big wuv you!!!"
(My brain is dead-I'll think of more funny phrases)
He loves to play with his train set. Every. Day.
We play outside everyday possible. Even when it's snowing or raining. He's such an outdoor lover. And I love that we have a yard for him to play in now.
He goes to bed so well! He gets a snack, brushes teeth, gets on jammies, then comes out to the living room and yells, "daddy! Prayers!" We say prayers and one of us reads him a few stories and he goes right to sleep. (Sleeping all night is another story). This kid has not slept through the night for more than a month at a time....ever. Good thing I love him to death!
His very favorite place is the library. Anytime we get in the car he asks if we can go to the "wibwary". He loves story time, playing with the blocks and the computers, and picking out new stories to take home.
He has gone potty in the toilet twice! And was quite proud of himself. We bought a little froggy potty seat to see if he's more interested when its not so high. I'm not in a rush but hope he gets there this spring.
He is so tender hearted and makes me laugh everyday!!