Friday, January 22, 2016

5 Fact Friday

1. Since our church starts at 11:00 now we had time for a mini photo shoot before we got in the car. I sure love these people! 

2.  Emma's room is finally finished! I'll do her own blog post of pictures in a bit but here is a poor quality sneak peek. I love it!! 

3. And we finished the bathroom!! Another post coming on that ;) 

4.  No words needed. This is the sweetest. 

5.  I am saving up for a new camera, but in the meantime I'm trying to practice with the one I have. These little photo subjects are adorable. (My photo skills are not) 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Emma Turns 3 Months Old (and 4 Months)

Emma is the light of our life.  She makes us all smile, and melts our hearts.  Eli is obsessed with her, and absolutely adores her.  Life with these two is wonderful.  Not perfect, or even easy at times, but I feel so blessed to have been given these two little people to raise. 

At 3 Months Emma:
- is extra chunky.  Her rolls have rolls!
- drools a ton! (I sure hope she's not getting teeth!)
- smiles all the time.  And always at Eli as soon as she gets up from a nap
- only naps for 45 minutes at a time.  (Not cool Emma!)
- although she naps terrible she wakes up with a smile
- gives the best laughs with Bryan just before bedtime
-had been sleeping 8-3 without waking but decided sleeping is for losers
- is wearing 3-6 month clothes with NO room to spare
- went from size 1 diapers to size 3 and skipped right over size 2

This is Emma looking at Eli.  Seriously look at those sweet eyes!!

At 4 Months Emma:
- still stinks at sleeping. I'm crossing my fingers is just a phase
- can roll from belly to back (learned at 6 weeks) and now back to belly
- likes to stand on my lap
- is wearing some 6-9 month clothes
- weighs 14 lbs, 12 ounces
- is 24" long
- loves her jumparoo
- LOVES when I sing to her: 'Hello, Hello,' 'You are my sunshine', 'Good morning to you', and any other silly song. 

1 Month, 2 Months,
3 Months, 4 Months


Christmas break activties

Bryan had 2 weeks off during Christmas and New Years.  It was amazing!  We updated one bathroom, started the other, spent the weekend with family in Utah, went sledding in Pocatello and spent a lot of time as a little family together.  It was an awesome break!!

And now, enjoy the picture dump. 

We went to a children's discovery museum while in Utah.  Eli and his cousin Addie played together all weekend.  He adores her!! 


Master Bath Update

Over Christmas break we tackled the little bathroom to give it a bit of a facelift.  The light fixture broke, so it needed to be replaced, and we decided to give it a mini makeover while we were at it.  We painted the walls, replaced the ceiling exhaust fan, medicine cabinet, lights, and faucet.  We painted the vanity and cabinet and got a new curtain.  I'm super happy with how it turned out! For only about 300$ it is a huge improvement!
(There aren't great pictures because the bathroom is like 3 square feet so I couldn't get a good angle)