Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring Break

I have not been home To Oregon in 15 months so I am stoked to be here!! I'll post more when we get back to the desert.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

On The Mend

Mr. Eli has been one sick little guy. He Started off a couple weeks ago with a nasty cold and bad coughing. Coughing led to lots of throwing up. Somewhere in there he got an ear infection. Thank you to all those who suggested garlic oil for treating his ear infection. It cleared it right up without any antibiotics.

Then he decided he was going to refuse eating anything expect nursing. THEN two tiny teeth began to sprout. Wow. I'm exhausted. I'm so used to his happy mellow baby, but for the past two weeks he's been so clingy, fussy, and high maintenance. Bryan wonders what I would do if I had a "difficult baby". I don't know!

I think he is finally starting to feel better, but now we have to break him of his neediness he's developed. Here are a few pictures of him during his happy moments :)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Flip flops!!

Our toes were very happy to play in flip flops today! The weather was gorgeous so we had a picnic at the park :)

As I've mentioned before Eli is so happy when he is outside. He would rather do anything outside, no matter the weather than be inside. I think I know where we'll be spending the majority of our spring days!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Could I love you any more?

I think not. My heart is full.

A day in the life of Eli

8:00 Eli wakes up chatting and playing in the crib til I come get him

8:30 he likes to nurse before even eating breakfast. After he nurses he plays on the floor then eats some fruit and oatmeal.

9:00-10:00 we play on the floor, fold laundry, do dishes, or check the mail til he gets sleepy.

10:00 he likes to nurse before taking a nap then we rock in the glider til those eye lids get heavy and sleepy. He snoozes for 1.5-2 hours while I usually sew for my etsy shop.

12:00-3:00. W play, eat lunch (he mooches off my plate too), go for a walk outside, go to the library and get some books to read, play with toys, or run errands like groceries or the post office.

3:00-4:00 we read stories, rock, Eli nurses then sleeps again for cat nap.

4:00 Bryan comes home! Eli usually hears him and wakes up to come play

6:30 we all have dinner together except Eli's is a puréed version :)

8:00 our bedtime routine starts. Bath time, quiet cuddles or story time, a bit more to eat if he's still hungry, then nurse and off to bed.

9:00-5:00 sleeps (hopefully without waking up more than a couple times) then nurses again at 5:30 ish

Wake up and repeat!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

8 Months Young

At 8 months Mr. Eli:
Crawls army style all over the house
Loves to play and explore on his own
Is very clingy to me
Gets super happy when dad comes home
Makes funny dinosaur growling sounds
Likes to play with my mascara tube, measuring spoons, and measuring cups
Loves to take baths
Is getting more baby hair
Loves to go on walks outside
Eats 2-3 jars of baby food a day
Nurses every 4 hours still (and refuses a bottle at all)
Is learning to self feed
Very chatty and busy
Naps 3 times a day and needs his pacifier and special fuzzy blanket to sleep
Is the best thing that ever came to our life!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

First warm day!

Today the temp hit 50! Heat wave! We went for a walk around the oquirrh lake with Eli and fed the ducks. He slept the whole time.

It was so peaceful to stroll along talking about our future breathing in the fresh crisp spring air, happy little Eli sleeping.

Good day ;)

Friday, March 1, 2013


Bryan had today off of school so we went to the pool! Last time Eli wasn't too sure about it but this time he did great. He wasn't exactly laughing but no tears either. He was just soaking it all in.

His suit on all ready to go!

Just checking things out.

splashed face :)

He really did have a good time, even though this face is not convincing!
We each took him on the slide a few times, even though I think we may have enjoyed it more!

What Did You Learn In Church?

*Somehow this only got saved as a draft, not posted. So its a little late*

Eli apparently wasn't really in the mood to sit quietly and listen during church so he tried to escape ;)

Better luck next week little man!

Turns out last week he crawled under the bench and found a friend to play with!