Saturday, March 9, 2013

A day in the life of Eli

8:00 Eli wakes up chatting and playing in the crib til I come get him

8:30 he likes to nurse before even eating breakfast. After he nurses he plays on the floor then eats some fruit and oatmeal.

9:00-10:00 we play on the floor, fold laundry, do dishes, or check the mail til he gets sleepy.

10:00 he likes to nurse before taking a nap then we rock in the glider til those eye lids get heavy and sleepy. He snoozes for 1.5-2 hours while I usually sew for my etsy shop.

12:00-3:00. W play, eat lunch (he mooches off my plate too), go for a walk outside, go to the library and get some books to read, play with toys, or run errands like groceries or the post office.

3:00-4:00 we read stories, rock, Eli nurses then sleeps again for cat nap.

4:00 Bryan comes home! Eli usually hears him and wakes up to come play

6:30 we all have dinner together except Eli's is a puréed version :)

8:00 our bedtime routine starts. Bath time, quiet cuddles or story time, a bit more to eat if he's still hungry, then nurse and off to bed.

9:00-5:00 sleeps (hopefully without waking up more than a couple times) then nurses again at 5:30 ish

Wake up and repeat!

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