Thursday, January 31, 2013

Uncle Doug came to visit!!

Last time my brother came to visit Eli was only a Couple days old. Tiny newborns are a little scary to hold and not quite as much fun to play with (says most boys). But this time they played together a lot and had a blast!

On the way home from the Airport Eli and Doug played and became instant best friends. I loved loved loved seeing them play and laugh together. Doug also helped Bryan work on his broken r/c airplane. I just loved having family visit our little family and having everyone enjoy a few days together! It made me feel so happy!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Bryan!

For Bryan's birthday i let him pick which basketball game he wanted to go to to see the utah jazz. We went the day before his birthday to watch the wizards and jazz. Eli did great and we enjoyed getting out!

For his real birthday at his request we had grandmas potatoes, baked halibut and key lime cake! It was the same recipe as my yummy orange cake but lime jello instead. It was delicious!! And I may have eaten cake for breakfast a few times his week.

The day after his birthday we went bowling with our friends Jeremy and Stephanie. I didn't get any pictures except one of Parker and Eli. They are 6 weeks apart. They don't know it yet but they'll be great friends someday.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Me Resolution

I am not one for New Years resolutions. Like most people I get excited about a fresh start, make a list of a million things most of which I won't accomplish then get down on myself when I miss the mark.

This year I need to focus on me. I feel a bit lost as to what I want to be and things I want to spend my time doing. I love being a mom and there is nowhere else I would rather spend my days than at home taking care of my Eli, but I feel that's all I am. I don't hang out with many friends, and I don't ever leave Eli with anyone so Bryan and I can go out. I have hobbies but they are only enjoyed during his short nap times or when I try to cram them in after he goes to bed before we do.

One thing I am working on for myself is training for a half marathon. Bryan and I are doing one together this summer. I am really excited to work REALLY HARD towards this goal And to accomplish something I have been thinking about for years. My goal is not to finish in a certain time period.... It's just to finish!

But I also want to find myself as a person. Over the years I have become a lot more shy, something I don't love about myself. We don't know our neighbors or the members of our church. We don't have callings at church either which makes things tough too. But I need to step out from hiding behind myself as a mommy and be Lizzie. Not shy or reserved but happy and confident. Don't get me wrong, i am incredibly happy being a mom, wife, and just me.

I just want to be a better me :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

This Year in a Nutshell

**Click on the underlined/bold words to see a blog post from 2012**

We started out the year by having a few friends and family over for Eli's Gender reveal party!  It was so fun to see what people guessed.  We were surprised with the ultrasound to find out it was a boy, and we couldn't be happier.  Eli fits into our life perfectly.

I continued to work full time up til I had him so the next few months were scattered with crafts, naps, cravings, and a few belly pictures.

We spent our second Easter in a row in Paradox with my sister-in-laws family and had a blast!  I also hit my third trimester in April.

Mom came to visit in May and we had my baby shower!  It was awesome to have really good friends there, including ones I've known since we were in kindergarten!  And having my mom there made it perfect.

Then after what seemed like weeks of waiting in June Eli finally made his appearance, only two days late ;)

July and August was spent in Alaska while Bryan worked.  We went on walks, napped, and just soaked up every minute of this growing boy.

September was spent trying to get back into the rhythm of things with Bryan working and me staying home with a new baby.  We tried to fit in a few fun things like going to the pumpkin patch and hanging out with my mom making applesauce.

In November we finally got around to taking some family pictures.  Eli continued to grow and grow by rolling over, babbling, and eating baby food!

Mom came to visit in December and we had a mini birthday party and went swimming with Eli... not super successful but good experience.

We spent the last week of 2012 in St. George with Bryan's family, then to California for my best friends wedding.  While we were there we visited Monterrey and San Francisco.  It was a great ending to a great year!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Go utes!

This weekend my dad came to play and see Eli. We went to the university of utah basketball game. It was neat for my dad to be back there since he and his parents graduated from there. My mom did too- guess I missed the memo :)

Eli really enjoyed the game and was so busy the whole time watching the band, cheerleaders, and players.

The last picture is Bryan changing Eli's diaper before taking off his coat :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Slow down Eli!

Eli is growing so fast! He had his 6 mo check up this week and has changed so much in just one month.

He weighs 16.4 pounds and is 27 inches long!
He is developing perfectly according to the pediatrician and is even soon a few things ahead of schedule!
He rolls both ways all the time, crawls in a circle and scoots everywhere!
He can sit up without support for up to 5 minutes!
He is really into blowing raspberries instead of eating baby food- hopefully it passes shorty
He has been a horrible horrible sleeper for the past several weeks (or 6 months) but yesterday took two 2.5 hour naps without waking up!! He is staring to sleep a little better at night but still needs to eat once
I still swaddled him with one arm out but he escapes that in a second
Loves loves anything fuzzy- toys, stuffed animals, blankets, jackets :)
Is so stinking happy and fun!
He loves to laugh, babble, and help me fold laundry
I just wish he would slow down his growing a little bit, I'm not done enjoying 6 months!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Baby bedding

Before Eli was born I made the crib sheets and quilts, but didn't think a crib skirt or bumpers were necessary. Until a few weeks ago when Eli would scoot his head up against he bars and get stuck. This made him not so happy. At. All. So I whipped up some quick bumpers and decided to so a skirt too. The skirt also adjusts when I lower the mattress down. I didn't so the top very high tech but when I'm running on nap time I gotta work quick. And found a cute rug on clearance. His room is looking better!

P.s Eli enjoyed his room additions too :)
P.p.s. I do see the scissors over by him but I had just set them down, I'm not usually into letting him play with sharp objects

Friday, January 4, 2013

San Francisco (That's fun to say)

Brownie point to you if you can name that movie.

These pictures are a bit random since I am trying to add iphone pictures and ones from my camera, so i apologize.

Everyone's first trip on the BART
Loved the old cable cars

The famous Alcatraz

San Fran

The Wharf

What a life :)

You guessed it... the Golden Gate Bridge!

Heavenly Chocolate.  We got lots of free samples, and even splurged and bought real Ghirardelli Chocolate ice cream cones!

Crazy Lizzie hair

When in San Francisco you have to get fish & chips and clam chowder.  Check and check!

We wore the little munchkin out... he loved napping as we walked along the bay

We flew back to Las Vegas after a super fun and quick mini vacation.  Driving from Vegas to Salt Lake was  even colder than coming down!  -10 degrees?!  It actually got down to -16.  That's just mean.

This was our first real trip/vacation with a little one and it went so well!  Eli didn't fuss on the plane at all, he traveled great, slept okay in the different hotels, loved the wharf, and was so much fun to have with!

Now its back to the real world.  The Christmas decorations and tree are down, its wintery and too cold to go for walks outside, so I am trying to focus on a fresh new start.  Looking for a few fun decorations for the apartment, getting some books from the library, getting back in shape, and already looking forward to going home at spring break!!

Mer's Wedding and Monterrey Bay

We left straight from St. George to catch a plane in Vegas for San Jose to go to Meredith's Wedding!  She got married in the Oakland Temple, and the wedding was wonderful! It was so good to see friends from college, finally meet her great Fiance (husband now), and witness their marriage!
View from the Visitors Center in Oakland

Eli made new friends and partied it up!

The day after the wedding Bryan, Baby, Kenzie and I went to Monterrey Bay to play for the day.  It was absolutely beautiful.It was just so peaceful, sunny, relaxing, and sooo good to spend time with Kenzie who I met at college in the dorms!

And if you can't tell, I am supposed to look like i'm in the fish tank ;)