Friday, November 22, 2013

5 Fact Friday

1. Sew sew sew. That's what I've been doing. Non stop! Well not quite. Eli doesn't let me sew much when he's awake. He's been very needy/clingy. So we have been doing play dates with friends to keep him busy then I can sew when he naps. 

I've been busy with Christmas cardigans. They are so cute and fun to make. I love seeing little ones in them!

2. Christmas is here and it makes my heart happy! Plus we got just a touch of snow today to make it official. 

3. Exactly one month til I am home and get to celebrate my birthday. 26.... Weird

4. Eli is growing so fast. I haven't updated about him much, I almost can't keep up with him! He's 17 months, almost 22 pounds, 8 teeth (no molars yet), says a few words but mostly speaks his own language, wears 12-18 month clothes, and is so so fun.  He helps clean, wants to help with whatever we're doing, is so fun to play with and is finally sleeping and eating great. (About time!) :)

5. We are having a mini thanksgiving this Saturday! It'll be fun to celebrate a holiday at home


  1. your christmas decorations are so pretty. it does help you get in the feeling of the season. BTW, are there buttonholes on that christmas sweater eli is wearing and no buttons? i love the video that you sent of him and the pickle. what a busy, fun little boy........ i can hardly wait to see you all......

  2. Fun pictures! The ones of him cuddling his stuffed animal and napping are precious. I can't believe he goes to nursery so soon! That'll be fun.
