Monday, January 31, 2011


I have an addiction.. I may need help. I'm addicted to decorating.  I don't want our apartment to look so empty and boring anymore.  I want it to look like a real house.  So I have been looking at different decorating blogs (,,  to get some ideas.  I  am headed to DI this week to see what treasures I can find.  I like making the decorations myself instead of buying everything, that way its the color I want and has a special touch.  Here is an idea i really love, and want to talk Bryan into helping me make it!  :)

It's made out of a closet door, and you just add door molding!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Workin' on my list

# 44: lots and lots of laughs were had at my Aunt Sara's house in Kanab, UT while visiting Granny.  I learned a lot about others and myself.  The week was perfect and I am so grateful for that special time with family.

P.S. I have never seen a bigger cat than miss (mister?) Gracey.  Its really a boy, but Gracey doesn't know!  sshh!  I think the mom kitty was a bob cat!
Mom and Sara on the Rino out for a ride!
#71: We were shopping at Ashley's furniture and found a couch that someone had ordered but didn't want because the color was not right. It was right for us!  The price had been marked down by a lot, and it was perfect for us.  The next day it was resting comfortably in our apartment, and our old couch (can you even call it a couch when the springs are falling out left and right and you sink to the floor when you sit in it) was generously donated to DI.  We were really grateful to have it for 2 years, but we're moving up in life!

#82: I finished my baby quilt (remember, this is not for a specific baby)  but it is much easier than an adult size one.  my aunt gave me some fabric for the edge and taught me some great tips to finish it.  I hand stitched the edge and the middle and it actually looks really good! I'll post pictures soon

#87: our ten dollar coffee table is now a 13 dollar coffee table but looks much better!  Thanks to some good teamwork, a saturday afternoon and a can of spray paint.  Ta dah!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

101 Things to do in 1001 days

I love to make lists and I secretly enjoy crossing things off my lists, its a feeling of achievement.  So this list includes 101 things but it is done in about 2 1/2 years.  So many things are simple but things I want to do with Bryan.  

Start Date:  Jan 1, 2011
End Date: Sept 28, 2013

101 Things to do in 1001 days

1. finish personal journal But I started another!
2. continue on blog I've been doing it over a year now!  I need to print all the posts
3. print pictures on camera(of Eli at least)  :)
4. laugh til I cry Being pregnant does crazy things to your emotions!
5. get new glasses

6. try new hair cut 7. play all hymns in 'easy hymn book'
8. practice piano 3 x a week for one month
9. send christmas cards
10. read the persian pickle club

11. read 3 cups of tea
12. buy red high heels or knee high boots  ( my shopping indulgence)

I found leather boots at Nordstrom rack for 30  bucks!!  Woot!  oh yea- and maybe another pair from old Navy.  i think I found a addiction!
13. get a pedicure Thanks Jess!
14. attempt to write a children's story- just for fun
15. Do Visiting teaching each month
16. try yoga It felt so good while pregnant, I need to get back into it!
17. Submit a quilt in the county fair   yea!  It was so fun!  I got 2nd, 3rd, and 4th :)

18. go camping
19. write Granny every month  (I wrote her each month until she passed away.  I will really miss our letter writing)
20. visit Doug in Tennessee
21. go puddle jumping
22. sunset togetherwatch
23. double money in savings account (it didn't take long because there wasn't much in it, but we're still adding to it)
24. save 1 income when we are both full time (Such a great feeling!)
25. visit foreign country
26. spend weekend at ski resort
27. have Bryan get accepted to grad school (He started May 2nd through Walden University)
28. get new family pictures

29. invite new couple over for games (Played bocci ball with Troy and Sidney.  So fun!!)
30. fly a kite
31. go on picnic
32. visit zoo or aquarium

33. go to the beach It was in Alaska, which isn't what I had thought, but it counts!
34. run 5 K with Bryan  Ran sweatin' for Sarah!
35. eat at Gardner Village

36. play basketball together
37. start a new christmas tradition
38. get new tires for car

39. build a sandcastle
40. visit Alaska
41. go fishing

42. visit state we've never been to 43. decorate tree for animals at christmas
44. get pictures with Granny (Got to see her this week!) Pictures to come soon
45. go to Color Me Mine
46. cash in our extra change
47. make a snowman
48. watch a 3D movie
49. go to a play( we saw Diary of Anne Frank and it was excellent!!  why do i never take pictures of these things?)
50. go snorkeling

51. Read entire Ensign each month 

52. have family prayer and scripture study every day for 2 weeks
53. read Book of Mormon front to back
54. re-memorize articles of faith
55. attend 4 new temples (draper, oquirrh mountain, jordan river, St. George, Manti)

56. Read and study the whole Preach My Gospel
57. Bare testimony at least twice in church
58. Study entire conference issue of ensign

Food and Cooking:
59. make homemade root beer
60. make homemade ravioli
61. save coupons and use for one grocery trip
62. try 3 new recipes in a month
63. try cooking with Panko bread crumbs

64. can a fruit or vegetable (I  canned applesauce!!!)
65. try new cookie recipe  (Cakemix cookies are my new favorite)
66. make jam Thanks for teaching me mom!
67. make a successful loaf of bread   Finally!!  A recipe that's a keeper!
68. make homemade caramel
69. grill asparagus  (Did this for Valentines dinner and it was delicious!!)
70. don't eat out for 2 weeks straight
71. make homemade sushi Thanks Doug!

72. buy couch (pictures to follow!)
73. get a christmas tree 74. plant a garden
75. get curtains  (I'll post pictures of our home soon but Mom and I made some great ones!)
76. get living room rug
77. tidy house daily
78. get print to decorate living room
 79. re-organize disaster closet
80. finish unpacking (For this apartment at least)

Crafts and Sewing:
81. donate 25 knitted hats
82. donate 15 sewn dresses
83. bind baby quilt (finished my very first real pieced, completely hand done quilt!)
84. make quilt
85. design my own quilt pattern
86. make advent calendar  It is an activity calendar for something to do every day.  I'm excited!
87. paint night stand (Bryan did this while I was at work one day!)
88. paint coffee table 
89. make table runner
90. make wall decoration  (check out Decor Day off post)
91. refinish headboard

92. learn from Granny to crochet snowflakes  (Very special weekend with Granny learning from her)
93. make wreath  (Mom helped me and I love it! It's hanging in our living room)
94. refinish dresser or other piece of furniture
95. make craft as seen from craft or design blog (filter paper wreath)

Health and Fitness:
96. work out 3x a week for 2 months
97. stay at or under current weight (Even after having a baby)  :)
98. get “6 pack”
99. run 5 miles
100. complete 5 k race  (i put this one on twice-- maybe I need to do it twice!)

101. Complete my list of 101 things

Monday, January 3, 2011

In numerable Blessings

I cannot even begin to describe how greatly blessed Bryan and I have been through our marriage and in the last year of 2010.  
1. We have been able to both graduate with our bachelors degree without any student debt
2. I was able to pass my state boards and get a job a month after graduating with my nursing degree
3. Bryan was offered a full time job BEFORE graduating
4. our old apartment contract sold immediatly
5. We were able to move into a great apartment close to work 
6. I applied for a job, received an interview, and got that job within one week
7. we both have full time jobs with benefits (no nights , weekends, or sundays either!)
8. We were able to spend Christmas with Bryan's family
9. We have been married a year and a half!

Life is good! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. I know some jeans have been worn thin from kneeling in prayer to help us make it this far. Thank you

We are excited to start a new year, in a new state, with new jobs, in a new home, with new adventures!

23rd Birthday

A couple days before my real birthday Bryan and I went to the Lights on Temple Square.  It was a chilly night but it was so peaceful to be together and be in such a beautiful place

We had to get hot Chocolate.. it made the trip complete :)

Reflection of the temple in the pond

Busiest Month of my Life!

This month has been great, but totally insane!  
It started off with Bryan graduating from college!  He actually had a job offer before he even graduated!  so in the midst of graduation we were packing like crazy getting ready to move to Sandy, UT. 

 After the Commencement, We went to the Hinckley Building for Convocation, where we walked across stage to receive his diploma (cover that is)
Bryan with Jeremy, great friends for the past 4 years!

Time to Pack up the U-Haul and move down to Sandy Ut

Good-bye apt. 212... we will miss you!

Welcome to Utah

Bryan was playing in the laundry room of our new apartment and got... stuck

We'll post pictures of our new apartment as we get it unpacked.  Its still a jungle right now!