Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I don't wanna be a grown up yet

So Last week I worked 50 hours which included two days of training.  The first day I followed the nurse around trying to figure out where all the medications are and who needs which vitamins and pain meds.  The second day my nurse sat at the nurses station and I did everything.  I passed meds to my 13 patients (each patient has probably 10 different medications that need to be given before breakfast) then I became the waitress and had to get all the patients into the dining room, get them drinks, get their food orders, help them eat, and wheel them out.  One funny scene to imagine is 13 wheelchairs having  bumper car races down the hallway.  some patients can slowly scoot themselves along, others wait for a passer by to give them a push. After passing meds for breakfast, I experienced a variety of smells and sights.  I changed dressings on skin tears, catheter sites, tracheostomys, and pressure sores.  After those two days of "training" I worked on my own this last weekend.  It was exhausting, but I did it without too many traumatic events :)

I did get to do a few things for the first time which was a good experience.  I am learning a lot, but its a hard job to work 12 hours without getting the chance to sit down.

I had an interview last week at Portneuf Medical Center in Pocatello, and i'm still applying for jobs- so hopefully the right job for me will come up sometime.  In the mean time I am very grateful that we can make a little money to pay bills.  

1 comment:

  1. you are using every opportunity as a blessing and can see the bright (and humorous) side in it. because you have a positive outlook, it makes even tough and not-so-pleasant situations much more bearable. often think about your sweet patients, do you think they chose to be in that condition with worn out rickety old bodies? but we choose how we treat them and if we see their divine nature under their miles of wear and years of experiences.
