Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Eli's Birthday Pictures

Eli had so much fun in his "hot air balloon" taking pictures! I was pretty behind on his Birthday Pictures this year, so late July will have to work ;)


  1. i love to see pictures of that little face. he is so cute i can hardly wait to see what his face will look like when he holds baby sister for the first time. have you noticed that he always looks pretty clean and put together too? (thanks to his mom).... his hair just seems to fall into place. his cheeks are clean and bright and his clothes are tidy. i'm sure he gets dirty once in a while, but all i see is a happy little boy who knows he is loved and secure. happy birthday sweet eli. i love you!!

  2. I just got caught up on your blog!! you guys have so much fun, I love reading about your daily adventures--and Eli is such a cutie-pie! I cant wait for you to be a mother of 2 soon!!!
