Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My little punkin'

Eli loves anything outside so of course he loved the pumpkin patch! It was dang cold though! 

He picked out his own pumpkin and loaded it in the wheel barrow by himself. 

Then we stopped to heck out the animals. He's not afraid to pet them which I'm happy about! I'm glad tht he's so willing to try new things. 

He loved feeding Mr. Sheep

Time to carve pumpkins now!! 


  1. i love those pictures of eli with the animals. i am glad that you and bryan aren't hesitant about getting a little dirt or poo on your boots and taking eli to the farm and seeing animals and feeding and petting them. it looks like a nice place to go, but glad you wore your coats too. the picture of eli with the wheelbarrow and HIS pumpkin is very sweet. nice family outing!

  2. hey i forgot to ask, but did you make his elmer fudd wabbit hunting hat? it is awesome!!
