Friday, September 13, 2013

5 Fact Friday

1. Eli slept 12 hours last night!!!! This is the first time in this little guys life that he has slept through the night that long. I am one happy momma! 

2. Sleep training/cry it out has been a huge success with very few tears. Eli has slept through the night 2 out of 3 nights and the other night only woke up for a couple minutes. I am loving this. Even though we waited for so long, it finally felt like the right time time to do it and it was very painless!

3. We are off to the state fair tomorrow! Yay! Blog post to come. 

4. I am LOVING all this rain. It's smells so fresh and clean, and just makes life seem simpler and more peaceful somehow. 

5. I have homemade yogurt in the crockpot right now. If all goes well I'll post about it. If not then well... You'll know why ;)

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