Friday, October 11, 2013

Round 2: 101 Things To Do in 1001 Days

Here we go again!

The idea behind 101 things in 1001 Days is to write all your goals big and small that you would like to complete in about 2.75 years. It's fun to record and reflect on these goals and to remember them. 

It seems a little overwhelming but since I started this list I have already completed several! (I'm just slow on blogging it). This time I am doing my list a little differently by allowing myself to change certain things as life changes.

1. Take Eli to the zoo
2. Go on a hike as a family
3. Go camping together
4. Fly a kite
5. Send family letter/cards
6. Go to the beach
7. Decorate a Christmas Tree
8. Have family pictures taken
9. Purchase 100 hour candles
10. Buy alternate emergency cooking source
11. increase emergency/food storage
12. Send Christmas cards 
13. Help Eli catch a fish
14. Go to Hawaii
15. Go snorkling
16. Go skiing/snowboarding
17. Go to crater lake
18. Bryan become tenured in teaching
19. see a 3D movie
20. build a snoman
21. build a sandcastle
22. Invite new friends over
23. Ding dong ditch treats
24. Hike the Y
25. Go to the driving range with Bryan
26. Go to a play
27. Complete '12 months of dates'
28. Take family pictures at Christmas (whole family)
29. Take Eli bowling
30. Celebrate our anniversary ON our anniversary
31. Go to the farmers market
32. Plant a garden (or balcony garden)

33. Have another baby :)
34. Take newborn baby pictures (granted we have one)
35. Make said baby blessing outfit
36. Refinish Eli's dresser
37. Make baby #2 quilt
38. Have Eli's 2 year old pictures taken
39. Have Eli do swim lessons
40. Make Eli an article of clothing
41. Purchase Eli a training bike 

42. Read 5 Love Languages (10/08/13)
43. Read wheat belly
44. Print my blog (again)
45. Take a photography class
46. Take a yoga class
47. Complete 101 things
48. Blog or photograph all 101 things
49. Write in my journal everyday (One Line A Day Journal)
50. Keep within budget at least every other month (envelope method) 
51. Complete a no spend month
52. Get a pedicure
53. Stretch out of my personal comort zone
54. Write random thank you notes to special friends 
55. Complete all continuing ed classes for nursing license

56. Bare testimony at least twice in church
57. Have family prayer and scipture study everyday for 2 weeks
58. Read Book of Mormon cover to cover
59. Increase personal relationship with my Savior
60. Purchase studying made easier books 
61. Take notes during every general conference session
62. Complete honor bee requirements for personal progress
63. Help Eli learn gospel stories
64. Have designated weekly family home evening for 1 month straight
65. Develop a greater knowledge of the scriptures

Food and Cooking:
66. Buy a pressure cooker
67. can pasta sauce
68. can pie filling (10/11/13)
69. write down favorite Pinterest recipes
70. Make a loaf of good GF bread
71. Buy dessert at a restaurant
72. Make GF cinnamon rolls (10/6/13)
73. Do Meatless Monday for 2 months
74. Don't eat out for a month 
75. Eat more veggies with meals
76. Make a green smoothie once a week for a month

77. Rent or buy a home
78. Move to new school district
79. Move out of state
80. get a 3rd bedroom
81. Organize every room
82. Add another temple picture
83. Get another picture of Christ 
84. Make a place for everything in the house (reduce clutter)
85. Make a DI trip

Crafts and Sewing:
86. reach 400 sales in my Etsy shop
87. Make quilted pot holders
88. make a new apron
89. make Eli a sweatshirt
90. Purchase serger
91. organize fabric and crafts (10/3/13)
92. Make Christmas skirt
93. Make living room quilt

Health and Fitness:

94. Run a 5k
95. Run "Color Run 5k"
96. Complete a half marathon
97. Feel good (or better) about body image 
98. Be more consistent with pilates
 99. Make eating out a special treat only
100. Keep Eli fit and active outside
101. Enjoy the accomplishment on completing 101 goals!


  1. you are very accomplished and have extremely high standards and goals. whew! these are mine... or at least for today... close the door so possums don't get in the house (again); limit myself to one green smoothie (granted it makes at least 2 red beer cups full) a day; remember i don't have to be perfect or even try to fake it anymore - enjoy being me; memorize word perfect Luke chapter 2 and 'a visit from st. Nicholas (the night before christmas) for this year shepherds dinner; grow shallots and garlic - plant them now; enjoy living and find joy in something outside every day; love and pat molly more; actually throw out (and then don't get it out of the trash) one worn out well-loved very used gardening shirt....(but not the pants this year); get rid of shoes that don't feel good to wear for all day.... whew how are those??
