Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to School

Bryan started school today with his new kids! 
He's a handsome teacher.

Everything in our house is broken.
Garbage disposal.
Sewing machine.  again.
I think thats it but it feels like everything is.

It rained and thundered and lightning-ed last night.  I loved it.
The news said Utah is the second dryest state second only to New Mexico.
Dryer than Arizona.  Sheesh.

Get me outta here :)

1 comment:

  1. bryan is a handsome teacher. all the 8th grade girls are going to have a crush on him and flirt and giggle. he needs to have a picture of his beautiful wife and one as a couples picture on his deak so they get the clear message that he is 'taken' but really understand people and will talk to them differently than their parents. did he get a new 'back to school' outfit?
